Wide Face Vinyl Wristbands in Papum Pare


Our vinyl wristbands are waterproof even when they are customized. You can rest assured that the ink will not wear off swimming, showering or any other way you get water on them. A number of pools use these bands so you know they work.

With our vinyl wristbands, we have some unique offerings for our customization.

Regular Vinyl is our standard vinyl wristband and it comes in over 14 different colors.

Narrow Vinyl is narrower than the regular so look better on your wrist.

Wide Vinyl has a wide section of the band so you can fit a bigger imprint or multiple lines of imprints. They still fit comfortably on a wrist.


  • Standard Wide Shape
  • Large range of bright colors including neon colors
  • Tamper evident snap locking system
  • Comfortable and durable
Wide Face Vinyl Wristband