Printable Water Resistant Labels in Munich


New Delhi Printers the Leader of Labels industry Some companies sell what they call "waterproof labels" for you to use in your inkjet or laser printer. Vinyl is often used for inkjet printing and polyester is used for laser printing. While we agree that polyester laser labels are waterproof once printed, we recognize that most of us do not have access to a laser printer. So when discussing waterproof vinyl inkjet labels - the term waterproof might be a bit misleading. Other companies refer to the same type of inkjet vinyl labels as "water-resistant". This by far is the most honest description of such a label when printed on an inkjet printer. Regardless of how it's described, it's typically the same material and therefore the key to success is simply knowing how to work with the waterproof / water-resistant label material.
HOW THEY WORK: Water-resistant (also referred to as waterproof) vinyl labels sheets manufactured for an inkjet printer are top-coated with a substance that "locks in the ink". Therefore, it is important to achieve a balanced ratio between ink used and top-coating available for locking. If too much ink is used and therefore, not enough top-coating is available to lock it down, you will see some bleeding when in contact with water. There are 3 things that can be done to solve this issue, leaving you with a truley WATER-PROOF labels: