Mynds Brand Movie Theater Ticket in Dakshinpuri Phase I


Our company offers a wide range of MYNDS Brand Movie Theater Tickets, which is manufactured by using quality raw material and is widely renowned for various high end features such as high adhesion strength, non tear ability and optimum quality. These tickets are printed on high quality glossy paper sheet that provide these a rich look. We further check the quality of the paper and the visibility of the logo as well as the name of the multiplex written on the ticket.

Mynds brand is the brainchild of Mindware. Under the aegis of parent company Mindware, Mynds is one of the biggest companies in Asia in manufacturing Movie Tickets. We have varieties of Movie Tickets from Customized to Vintage Retro Style Tickets.

 Best price of Movie Tickets call +91 9810822688 and mail us at



  • Information:
    • Movie Title: Identify the specific movie you're watching.
    • Showtime: Date and time of the movie screening you purchased the ticket for.
    • Seat Numbers: Indicates the specific seat(s) you'll be occupying in the theater.
    • Theater Information: May include the name and address of the cinema you're going to.
    • Price: The amount you paid for the ticket.
  • Security:
    • Security Features: Physical tickets may have security features like holograms or watermarks to deter counterfeiting. Digitally, unique codes or encryption may be used.
    • Barcode/QR Code: Often a barcode or QR code is printed on the ticket. This code can be scanned by theater staff to verify ticket validity and grant entry.
Mynds Brand Movie Theater Ticket