Line Matrix Consumables in Podravska


Printronix P8000 / P7000 and P8000H / P7000H Cartridge Series of Line Matrix Printers provides competitive advantages. Through a series of engineering innovations, the P8000 / P7000 and P8000H / P7000H Series delivers improved reliability, productivity and environmental advantages.

Technical Specification

Spool Ribbons

Why Printronix High Impact Spool Ribbons? You rely on high impact printing to get the lowest cost of any print technology. That’s why we still support our legacy products with quality supplies. Our legacy high impact printers and ribbons continue to deliver significant cost savings, and are formulated for high yield, dark, or high definition barcode and text printing.

P7000 Spool Ribbons
The new line matrix ribbon family gives you choices to suit your budget and print volume

Printronix has expanded our offering of highly reliable line matrix printing ribbons to give P7000 users the lowest cost per page, darkest print and longest life. These new ribbons contain the necessary ingredients to be read by infrared OCR and barcode scanners, and produce sharp high-contrast barcodes and text. Priced to match your print volume and budget, the new ribbon packages offer more options for cost-effective purchasing.

  • Standard capacity – These ribbons offer a low purchase price per ribbon plus the convenience of ordering in smaller quantities for moderate use requirements. This ribbon is ideal for average use customers in banking, retail, logistics and other distributed printing environments.
  • Ultra Capacity – This ribbon has been the gold standard for years and continues to offer the same benefits as before.  It is a workhorse solution for most report and label printing applications.
  • Ultra capacity plus – These ribbons offer the lowest total cost of printing, longest ribbon life and fewest user interventions. This ribbon is designed for higher-use customers in manufacturing, back office applications and any application using high-volume batch printing.
  • One ribbon for both cabinet and pedestal models

P5000 Extended Life Text Ribbons
Best for report printing or text printing applications:

  • Optimized for the Printronix print mechanism
  • Easy mount ribbon spools

P5000 Extended Life Barcode Ribbons
Best for barcode and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) printing aplications:Optimized for the Printronix print mechanism

  • Easy mount ribbon spools

P5000 Gold Series and Gold Series Plus Ribbons

Single Ink formulation provides optimal images for both text and barcode printing eliminating the need to purchase and inventory two separate ribbons. Advantages:

  • Reduced printer wear and maintenance
  • Optimal fabric design and ink chemistry for the Printronix print mechanism

Gold Series 2000 Ribbons – P5220, P5224

Formulated specifically for the hammerbank technology used in the P5220. The ribbons offer all of the features of the Printronix Gold Series ribbons plus:

  • Unique patented fabric, ink formulation, and construction optimized to match the dual hammerbank technology
  • Designed for optimum performance at 2000 LPM high speed printing

Legacy Printer Ribbon
Designed specifically for these printer models: P300, P600, L150, MVP, P3000, P6000, P6040, P6080, P9005, P9008, P9012. These ribbons use a more traditional ribbon leader/reversing signal design that is proven to work on legacy models and is suitable for text, barcode, and OCR applications.

Specialty Ribbons
Printronix provides ribbons to meet the needs of all your specialty applications. These ribbons are manufactured to the same exacting specifications as other Genuine Printronix ribbons. Options include color, security, quick-dry, and laundry ribbons

Line Matrix Consumables