Honeywell YJ3300 1 USB Laser barcode scanner in Azuay


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Technical Specification

1. Light Source: Visible Laser Diode (VLD) @ 650nm

2. Laser Power: Less than 1.0 mW average 

3. Depth of Scan Field       : 12.7 mm  254 mm(0.5" 10")   0.33 mm (13 mil) Bar Code

4. Scan Speed: 72 ± 2 scan lines per second 

5. Scan Pattern: Single scan line

6. Minimum Bar Width: 0.1016 mm (4 miles) 

7. Decode Capability: Reads standard 1D and GS1 DataBar symbologies.

8. System Interfaces: USB, Keyboard Wedge 

9. Print Contrast: 35% minimum reflectance difference 

10. No. Characters Read Up to 80 data characters. The maximum number will vary based on symbology and density.

11. Scan Angle: 46° Horizontal 

12. Pitch, Yaw: 68°, 52° 

13. Beeper Operation: 7 tones or no beep 

14. Indicators (LED): Red = good read, Green = laser on, ready to scan 


1. Input Voltage: 5VDC ± 0.25V 
2. Operating Power: Standby: 700 mW 
3. Decoding USB: 975 mW 
4. Decoding KBW: 875 mW

Operating Current

1. Standby: 140 mA average @ 5VDC 
2. Decoding USB: 195 mA average @ 5VDC 
3. Decoding KBW: 175 mA average @ 5VDC 
4. DC Transformers: Class II; 5.2VDC @ 1A

Honeywell YJ3300 1 USB Laser barcode scanner