Colored Wash Care Ribbons in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Colony


Colored Wash care Resin ribbon is capable of handling extreme environmental labeling. Highly chemical resistant including alcohol and petro chemicals. Unmatched in abrasion and solvent resistance. UL/CSA recognized with matching receiver .Wide print latitude to broad range of plastic films, synthetics and polyesters. Some Recommended Applications: extreme environment labeling, circuit board labels, chemical drum, automotive, signage, electronic component, product identification and asset tracking labeling. Specially formulated for use on care labels providing excellent resistance to dry cleaning, home washing, industrial washing and ironing. This super premium resin offers high definition and density and can be used on flat head and near edge printers. High printing density and definition wash care ribbon (premium resin ribbon) available for many types of barcode printers.

Our Colored Wash Care Ribbons are made and designed by using optimum quality materials and modern technology as per the industrial standards and norms. We adhere to the parameters of the national and international quality standards to provide the clients with utmost satisfaction in terms of quality.


1.Weather proof

2.Smudge and scratch resistance

3.Flawless finish
