Color Paper Carry Bag in Yerevan


Color Paper Carry Bags are used to carry different sorts of stuff like garments, books, different helpful things, sometimes on carrying luggage logos and name of the company including works as promotional material of business as carrying bags travel several places and its one of the marketing tool.
Color Paper Carry Bags conjointly provides several Eco-friendly edges to people who use them. They'll be taken care of and regularly reused. They're each reclaimable and perishable. These bags are made up of renewable natural resources, maybe reused repeatedly, and might be shipped to a factory and remade into new paper. In fact, it truly needs less energy for Color Paper Carry Bags to be recycled than plastic. Color Paper Carry Bags are perishable and create less of a threat to the surroundings and life.
We (New Delhi Printers) are manufacturers and suppliers of Color Paper Carry Bag.


Industrial Use:                 Shopping, Carrying Bag

Reusable:                        Yes

Handle:                            Yes       

Style:                               Rope Handle

Is It Customized:             Customized

Is It Recyclable:                Recyclable

Is It Reusable:                   Reusable

Pattern                                Printed

Color                                    Any

Material                              Paper

Product Description

Color Paper Carrying Bags

Product Details

Color:          Multi-Color

Style:           Handled

Size:            Customized

Color Paper Carry Bag